As most of you are aware, April 27, 2024 was a day that started out ordinary but ended up being a day that has changed my life forever. As I am still in the process of healing from injuries I sustained, I have had to make some hard life- changing decisions. With that being said, I will start seeing limited number of clients again in October and November. I will be calling in September to these clients. I have always been a person who advocates for wellness, I encourage each of you to do what you need to do to address your needs at this time.
Darla is available at the Manistique location 906-341-2024.
2025 scheduling will open to limited number of clients to book for the Bark River Location.
Please know my love is going out to each and everyone of you.
- Bonnie Larson
Booking a session at either Bark River or Manistique, the booking calendar will only allow 45 days out. If you are looking to book beyond the 45 days please keep checking the booking site.
Services We Offer
All services are in Eastern Time Zone.
Looking for same day appointments,
give us a call 906-399-5337 (Bark River/ Bonnie) or 906-341-2024 (Manistique/ Darla).
We are open Saturday 10-4 in Bark River with Bonnie and By appointment weekdays in Manistique with Darla.
When you BOOK you will have to pay in FULL for all sessions,
you have until 2 hours prior to cancel to get full refund.
Full list of all services are under the Book Online tab
Reiki Sessions
Reiki helps with deep relaxation, relief of stress & anxiety, can promote pain relief, eases muscle tension, peace of mind and body, increases rate of recovery from injury, energizes and balances the whole body.
This session is 45 minutes, you relax fully clothed while the Reiki Partitioner helps you release as much negative energy that you allow.
Added bonus to this service you will be asked if you would like to receive channeled messages, as a client you will have the opportunity to accept or decline. The practitioner accepts all comfort levels and leaves this up to the client to decide before the session starts.
Young Living Oils
Young Living Oils are 100% Seed to Seal Guarantee, we can help you with getting your own oils and using them to enhance a healthy life.
Ionic Foot Detox
30 minute foot detox will help your body get rid of the unwanted chemicals, metals and so much more.
We have assorted crystals to help with everyday life and so much more.
Ear Candling
Ear Candling consists of a wax/cotton candle placed on outer ear with tip in top part of ear canal. When placed the candle will be lit and will last 15 minutes for each ear. The practitioner will rub your sinus cavities and lymph notes on side of neck to ease drainage and allow for mind, body, spirit healing to happen. Candling may help with pressure and drainage. A towel will be placed over your hair and a spray bottle will be used to extinguish the flame on the candle. When candling is done, you may go home and examine your candles interior.
Home/Business Reiki Clearing
Is the energy in your space feeling off? Is there unexplainable things happening and you're not feeling okay about what is happening? Reiki and Sage can help clear unwanted energies from your space. Leaving you a clean and balanced living space.
Nurturing Love Team
Nurturing. Passion . Guidance.
Nurturing Love is about opening space in a nonjudgmental way to allow natural healing to happen at the core of your existence. We Thank You for allowing us to be apart of your healing journey.
- Sun, Apr 075340 12th Rd, Escanaba, MI 49829, USAApr 07, 2024, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT5340 12th Rd, Escanaba, MI 49829, USA