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Cedar Bundle

Cedar Bundle

The Cedar TreeThe Cedar tree starts as a seed, an offspring of a mature Cedar tree. It stands tall, straight, and very widewith branches all around. You will notice that the branches are wide and long at the bottom and further upthe tree the branches are smaller and shorter.The Cedar tree stands out from all other trees in the forest, as the sister pine tree does. When you look atthe Cedar tree it touches all other trees around it, as if it is holding hands with neighboring trees, noprejudging or discrimination. The wide and long branches at the bottom represent the teachings that shouldbe learned and used in a positive way to relate to others. Once you accomplish a task of teaching, move tothe next level of branches. The more you learn and share or teach others, the more you learn, the higheryou climb on the Cedar tree. As you gain knowledge, knowledge turns to wisdom.Now you are half-way up the tree. When you look down at the ones yet to learn, your responsibilities arelessened by those who learned from you as you climbed the tree. This goes with years of teaching andsharing what you know to the younger of your people.When you reach the top, your responsibilities are limited because your life is almost full. Only then canyou rest.The Cedar tree is also used for medicine. You can use tea for cleansing and colds, chewing some for a sorethroat. Another way to use cedar is for burning in the fire when praying, or smudging (cleaning your wholebeing so that you can pray at ease and give thanks for certain things in your life).One thing you must do is to offer tobacco to the Cedar tree before taking a piece of its branches. One mustpray to the Cedar tree for help. Believing in the strength and power of the Cedar tree will help a persongrow.One time I was asked if I carried a piece of cedar with me. I said, "no," and was told that I should havesome because it is medicine and will help you when you need it. It will also help you to teach this to otherswho are willing to learn about relationships.Note: This was written by an unknown author. It was found in the archives of Bay Mills CommunityCollege. It was provided by Kathy LeBlanc to the Editor of the "Traditions" page.

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